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Meaning Of Understanding

Meaning Of UnderstandingPermalink

Understanding and knowing are not a binary concept that either your understand or not. This is a spectrum or scale, say moving from zero to hundred. No one has zero understanding about anything, and no matter how many Ph.D. you have on any subject you cannot say I understand this 100%.

How can you tell you have understood it fully? I think there is no way to know that I know X thing or concept 100%.

By knowing all body parts of a human I cannot know human fully.
By knowing all proteins which makes cell I cannot know human fully.
By knowing all molecular structures I cannot know humans fully.
By knowing all biochemistry of humans I cannot understand humans fully.
By knowing all atomic structures I cannot know humans fully.
By knowing all subatomic participles and their interactions,
I cannot know humans fully.
By knowing all the emotional and mental drama of humans
I cannot understand humans fully.
By doing meditation, my mind becomes composed and I am
ready to know and comprehend but still, I cannot know fully.
By doing all good activities, I cannot understand fully.
By doing all moral activities, I cannot understand fully.

Human is a very complicated being.
You keep a drop of water on your palm and ask yourself
do you understand it fully?
If your answer is yes then it only means
you have not learned how to ask deeper questions.

We pickup any thing or concept around,
even after so many years on this planet,
we do not know anything thing fully.

Science helps in understanding things around us to a large extend
but this too does not go beyond how to make use of something
and make our life comfortable.

Even after that, humans use these terms frequently.
I fully understand. I absolutely understand.
I know it completely.
They don’t hesitate that there may be
a possibility of ignorance in this fully understanding.

But still, we have to accept some people
understand things better than us.
Why? Because they think more, dwell more
and are not busy in entertainment,
and doing some work for livelihood or survival.

Oh Pratibimba, What do you know about understanding?

Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari
