4 minute read

About Physicality And Relationship

About Physicality And Relationship

What is that in this world with which I don’t have a relationship?
Name of the relationships may be different
The degree of love and care may vary
How seriously I take them may vary
How much I can work for them may vary
But I have a relationship with everything around me!

Hate and love are two extreme emotions
But the name of the scale is love
On the scale of love when the value is zero,
we called it indifference to the object or the person
When the value is negative we call that hate
When the value is positive we call it love
But in all the cases this is the scale of love
which vary from negative to positive.

Emotions are the basis of relationships
Being indifferent to someone or something is an emotion
Being hateful to someone or something is another emotion
Being loving to someone or something is another expression.

Mine-ness is the basis of a relationship
What is that to which I cannot put mine?

I have relationships with my body as a whole
And my body parts. They are mine
I have relationships with the house and car. they are mine.
I have relationships with a bed, books, and food on the table, they are mine
I have relationships with the religion, state, language, and nation, they are mine.
I have relationships with land, culture, and people, they are mine.
I have relationships with business, employees, bosses, they are mine.
I have relationships with my parents, brother, sister,
children, spouse, and friends they are mine

I have relationships with air, but I don’t care.
I have relationships with the sun, moon, and earth, but I don’t care.
I have relationships with birds flying in the sky, but I don’t care.
I have relationships with trees, flowers,
and fruits in the forest around me, but I don’t care.
I have relationships with people who are traveling with me,
who are selling to me or buy from me, but I am cautious.

I have a relationship with, who abused me, I want to teach him.
I have a relationship with, who has stolen my goods, I want to send them jail.
I have a relationship with, who beat me, I wanted to beat him more.
I have relationships with a neighboring hostile country,
I want to ensure my army beat them.

Physicality in life is the basis of all the relationship
Relative and Relationship means connectivity.
With this physical existence of mine
Is there anything in the existence
to which we are not connected
or who is not my relative?

How we label a relationship that decides
Kind of Emotions in the relationship.
How much we interact and transact in a relationships
that decides the degree of strength of the relationship.
Both feelings are not good for positive strong relations.

So, when one says I am not related to that,
It means, he is saying I don’t have any emotions for him
Or I have negative emotions for that
Or the degree of positive emotions is very weak
Or the degree of negative emotions is very high.

Does the name of the relationship rest in the air?
No, but in mind.
Does the kind of emotions rest in the air?
No, but in mind.
Does the degree and strength of emotion rest in the air?
No, in mind.

If all exists in my mind then who decides,
What should I store in my mind for a particular relation?

I heard you are saying objects around me
to whom I am related, they decide.
The way they behave, I store the relationship in my mind.

If that is the case then you will have
all the selfish people around you.
Without any purpose why somebody wants
a particular quality and strength of relationships with you?

If you say, we both decide
then it is a transactional relationship
and any point time one feel without saying that
I give more compare to others in this relation
or others give more I am helpless to pay back.

If you say, I decide then this looks the way of wise.
What I want to feel in my mind and how much,
It is one hundred percent, my business.
Irrespective of what others do.

This is the way of living
in which you are not tortured and grilled
by the positive or negative actions of people around.

We know all the people, objects, entities, and lives around us,
behave the way they feel.
Then why should I make my mind
negative for their feelings or actions.

Love is the basis of everything
Even if I don’t like someone
the best way to handle is love.

So when it is said that with love
you can win the war, it doesn’t mean
that always hug and kiss to win the war.

It also means without being negative
you can demolish your enemy.

In the Mahabharat war, there is mention of King Salya
Who had unbeaten coolness and
he was fighting on behalf of Duryodhana.
With that kind of coolness, nobody could beat him
But he was the enemy of Pandavas
So, Krishna decided a match of Salya
Krishna sends Yudhister to fight with Salya
Yudhister was the height of coolness
Finally in the fight, without anger
Yudhister demolishes Salya.

We all have a physical existence
Physicality is the basis of all the relationship
Everything is connected and related to us
With the different name of the relation
With different kinds and degrees of relation.

For a sensible living
Do not allow your fertile mind
to sprout any kind of negative relationship.
Even if you want to convey some message
to someone with whom you do not agree with
There is always a positive name for the relation.

Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari
