1 minute read

Navigating Conflict, Power, and Compassion

Navigating Conflict, Power, and Compassion

If you aim to dismantle or control X without engaging in direct conflict,
start by identifying X’s most formidable adversary.
Engage in actions daily that incite conflict or
hostility between X and their opponent.
During this conflict, provide support to X by offering
powerful weaponry and observe their strategies.
This approach serves four purposes:

  1. You gain insight into X’s thought process.
  2. X is less likely to surrender for his survival.
  3. The world perceives your aid as support for the weaker side, showcasing generosity.
  4. If X survives the conflict, you’ll likely become their most trusted ally. If X is defeated, your objective is accomplished.

Reflect on global conflicts.
A foolish engage in self-destructive battles.
A powerful enhance their strength through technological advancements.
And wise individuals merely observe the destructive game under various flowery name.

Who’s to blame? No one! This pattern has persisted
since humanity’s inception in Earth’s forests.
Despite innovations like printing machines, computers,
the formation of religion, economy, and politics,
our fundamental nature remains unchanged.
There’s little hope for a widespread evolution in human wisdom.
However, a select few, wise and compassionate,
continue to emerge, shedding light on peaceful coexistence.

Some societies make statue of them, worship them and nothing more. Some societies posion them, torture them. Some societies ignore them, when around, but teach about their work when gone but still remain in conflict.

O Chaitanya, if human want, s/he can take care of
each other’s food and health in the mass scale.
But taking care of human heart and mind,
bring them to senses, making them self realized is impossible.

Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari
