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Project Management Information SystemPermalink

Project Management Information System (PMIS) Tools & Technique can be any software or physical system used to manage the project information. If your project is extremely simple and small duration then your project diary can serve the purpose. But when a project becomes larger, complex, and involves multiple stakeholders, multiple geographies, complex technology, and business requirements then we need to depend upon software tools. Keep in mind we do not include any design, development, IDE tools as PMIS if they are designed only for that purpose. But luckily today’s design and development tools are integrating the project management aspects so that the project team need not duplicate the work of data entry. Broadly they can be grouped into the following categories.

  • Electronic Project Management Tools. Project management software, specialized project portals and dashboards, and collaborative work management tools.
  • Electronic communications management. Email, fax, and voice mail; audio, video, and web conferencing; and websites and web publishing.
  • Social media management. Websites and web publishing; and blogs and applications, which offer the opportunity to engage with stakeholders and form online communities.

Project Management Information System Tools & Technique is used in following processes of the PMBOK 6.

  1. Direct and Manage Project Work
  2. Sequence Activities
  3. Develop Schedule
  4. Control Schedule
  5. Estimate Costs
  6. Control Costs
  7. Estimate Activity Resources
  8. Manage Team
  9. Control Resources
  10. Manage Communications
  11. Monitor Communications
  12. Implement Risk Responses
