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AI, ML, Deep Learning, NLP Conferences & Journals

AI, ML, Deep Learning, NLP Conferences & Journals

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A list of 30+ AI conferences and journals related to AI, NLP, Deep Learning. Almost all major happening in the world of AI/ML is presented in these conferences and published in these magazines.

  1. AAAI – Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
  2. AAMAS – International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
  3. ACL Member Portal – The Association for Computational Linguistics Member Portal
  5. ArXiv: Machine Learning - Authors and titles for recent submissions
  6. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
  7. CIKM (ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management)
  8. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
  10. CVPR – IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  11. CVPR (IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)
  12. EACL: European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
  13. ECCV (European Conference on Computer Vision)
  14. ECML – European Conference on Machine Learning
  15. EMNLP 2020
  16. ICCV – International Conference on Computer Vision
  17. ICDM – International Conference on Data Mining
  18. ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations)
  19. ICML – International Conference on Machine Learning
  20. IJCAI – International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  21. Indian journal of Computer Science and Engineering
  22. International Conference on Computational Linguistics
  23. International Conference on Data Mining
  24. JMLR (Journal of Machine Learning Research)
  25. KDD – Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  26. List of Issues – Computational Linguistics – MIT Press Journals
  27. LREC Conferences
  28. Machine Learning Journal
  29. MAIS – Montreal AI Symposium
  30. MOBICOM (International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking)
  31. NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics)
  32. Neural IPS
  33. NIPS – Neural Information Processing Systems
  34. O’Reilly AI Conference – O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference
  35. SIGCOMM (ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communications)
  36. SIGGRAPH (ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques)
  37. SIGIR – Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval
  38. SIGMOD (ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data)
  39. Signal, Image and Video Processing: Springer
  40. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics
  41. WikiCFP : Call For Papers of Conferences, Workshops and Journals
