12 minute read

Exploring Dense Embedding Models in AI

What is dense embedding in AI?

Dense embeddings are critical in many AI applications, particularly in deep learning, where they help reduce data complexity and enhance the model’s ability to generalize from patterns in data.

In artificial intelligence (AI), dense embedding refers to a method of representing data (like words, sentences, images, or other inputs) as dense vectors in a continuous, lower-dimensional (lessor number of dimensions) space. These vectors, known as embeddings, encode semantic information, enabling AI models to work with data in a more meaningful way.

  1. Dense: Unlike sparse vectors (which have a lot of zeros), dense vectors contain mostly non-zero values. A sparse vector might have many dimensions with mostly zero values, while a dense vector has fewer dimensions and mostly non-zero values.

  2. Embedding: An embedding maps data from its original, often high-dimensional representation (e.g., a one-hot encoded word vector) into a lower-dimensional space. In this space, similar inputs (like semantically similar words or images with similar features) will have similar vector representations.


  • Word Embeddings: In Natural Language Processing (NLP), dense embeddings like Word2Vec, GloVe, or BERT represent words as vectors where words with similar meanings are located closer to each other in the vector space. For instance, the words “king” and “queen” would have embeddings that are close together.

  • Image Embeddings: In computer vision, embeddings generated by neural networks (e.g., from convolutional layers) encode visual features. For instance, images of cats will have similar embeddings, distinct from embeddings of dogs.


  • Efficient Representation: Dense embeddings capture the most relevant information while reducing the dimensionality, making computations more efficient.
  • Semantic Meaning: In NLP, dense embeddings can capture relationships between words, such as analogy relationships (e.g., the vector difference between “king” and “queen” is similar to “man” and “woman”).

What are different dense embedding models ?

There are several popular dense embedding models used across different domains in AI, especially in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and computer vision. Here are the key types of dense embedding models. Embedding models are used to represent words, sentences, images, or other data in a continuous, lower-dimensional space.

Wha are Word Embedding Models (NLP)


  • Description: Word2Vec is one of the earliest dense embedding models. It transforms words into vectors using either the Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) or Skip-gram approach.
  • How It Works: It learns word associations by predicting surrounding words given a target word (CBOW) or predicting a target word given its surrounding context (Skip-gram).
  • Key Feature: Captures semantic similarity between words.
  • Applications: NLP tasks such as text classification, sentiment analysis, and document retrieval.

GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation)

  • Description: GloVe is a global log-bilinear regression model that creates dense word embeddings by factoring in global co-occurrence statistics across the entire corpus.
  • How It Works: It uses matrix factorization on word co-occurrence matrices to create dense embeddings.
  • Key Feature: Combines the benefits of both Word2Vec’s local context approach and global matrix factorization techniques.
  • Applications: NLP tasks that require a fixed set of pre-trained word embeddings.


  • Description: An extension of Word2Vec developed by Facebook AI Research. FastText generates embeddings for subwords, rather than just words, which helps in representing rare or out-of-vocabulary words.
  • How It Works: Breaks words into n-grams (subwords) and learns embeddings for these subword units.
  • Key Feature: Handles morphological variations and rare words better than Word2Vec.
  • Applications: NLP tasks in languages with rich morphology or where rare words are a concern.

ELMo (Embeddings from Language Models)

  • Description: ELMo generates context-sensitive word embeddings, meaning that the embedding for a word changes based on the surrounding context.
  • How It Works: It uses deep bidirectional language models (bi-LSTM) to generate dynamic embeddings.
  • Key Feature: Contextual embeddings for words, as opposed to static embeddings in Word2Vec and GloVe.
  • Applications: Question answering, named entity recognition, and machine translation.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

  • Description: BERT generates embeddings using a transformer-based architecture that understands both the left and right context of a word.
  • How It Works: Pre-trains on masked language modeling (MLM) and next sentence prediction (NSP) tasks. Outputs contextual embeddings for words based on the entire sentence.
  • Key Feature: Fully bidirectional, capturing deep context in sentences.
  • Applications: Text classification, sentiment analysis, question answering, and more complex NLP tasks.

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)

  • Description: GPT models generate dense embeddings using transformer decoders, trained to predict the next word in a sequence. Though primarily used for generation tasks, embeddings can be extracted from intermediate layers.
  • How It Works: GPT is trained in a unidirectional (left-to-right) fashion, generating embeddings based on past context.
  • Key Feature: Contextual embeddings, but with more emphasis on generative tasks.
  • Applications: Text generation, chatbots, and language modeling.

What are Sentence Embedding Models (NLP)


  • Description: A supervised sentence embedding model trained for natural language inference tasks.
  • How It Works: Uses a bi-directional LSTM network with max-pooling to generate sentence-level embeddings.
  • Key Feature: Produces meaningful embeddings for entire sentences, not just words.
  • Applications: Sentiment analysis, text similarity, and entailment detection.

Universal Sentence Encoder (USE)

  • Description: Developed by Google, USE generates sentence embeddings using a transformer-based architecture and can be used for various downstream NLP tasks.
  • How It Works: Pre-trained on a wide variety of tasks like conversational responses and document classification.
  • Key Feature: Provides fixed-length sentence embeddings and supports a variety of languages.
  • Applications: Semantic search, question answering, and information retrieval.

SBERT (Sentence-BERT)

  • Description: A variation of BERT, designed to generate embeddings for sentences by fine-tuning BERT for sentence-pair tasks.
  • How It Works: Fine-tunes BERT for tasks like semantic textual similarity, using Siamese networks to generate sentence embeddings efficiently.
  • Key Feature: Faster and more effective for sentence similarity tasks compared to BERT.
  • Applications: Sentence similarity, paraphrase detection, and semantic search.

What are Image Embedding Models (Computer Vision)

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

  • Description: CNNs are the most common models for generating dense image embeddings. Pre-trained models like ResNet, VGG, and Inception can be used to extract embeddings from intermediate layers.
  • How It Works: CNNs extract features from images and compress them into dense embeddings.
  • Key Feature: Captures spatial hierarchies and features in images (e.g., edges, textures).
  • Applications: Image classification, object detection, and image retrieval.

CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training)

  • Description: Developed by OpenAI, CLIP aligns text and image embeddings in a shared latent space, enabling zero-shot transfer to new vision tasks.
  • How It Works: Trains on a large dataset of text-image pairs, using contrastive learning to bring corresponding text and image embeddings closer.
  • Key Feature: Unifies text and image embeddings, allowing for flexible multimodal tasks.
  • Applications: Image classification, image captioning, and visual search.

What are Graph Embedding Models (Graph Data)


  • Description: Node2Vec generates dense embeddings for nodes in a graph by using random walks to sample node sequences.
  • How It Works: Performs biased random walks on the graph to create a sequence of nodes, and then applies the Word2Vec algorithm to learn node embeddings.
  • Key Feature: Captures both local and global graph structures.
  • Applications: Social network analysis, recommendation systems, and fraud detection.


  • Description: GraphSAGE is an inductive framework that generates node embeddings by sampling and aggregating features from a node’s local neighborhood.
  • How It Works: Uses a graph-based convolutional network to generate node embeddings in an inductive way, meaning it can generalize to unseen nodes.
  • Key Feature: Handles dynamic and evolving graphs.
  • Applications: Graph classification, node classification, and link prediction.

What are Multimodal Embedding Models


  • Description: VisualBERT generates joint text and image embeddings by fusing information from both modalities using a BERT-like architecture.
  • How It Works: Combines pre-trained BERT with image region embeddings (from object detectors) to create joint representations of text and image.
  • Key Feature: Multimodal understanding of language and vision.
  • Applications: Visual question answering, image captioning, and visual grounding.

Advanced Embedding Models


  • Description: Voyage is a more recent model designed for universal cross-modal dense embeddings, focusing on aligning data from various modalities like text, images, audio, and even video into a shared embedding space.
  • How It Works: Uses a combination of deep contrastive learning and transformer-based architectures to encode inputs from different data types. Voyage models capture contextual relationships across modalities.
  • Key Feature: Cross-modal understanding (e.g., relating text to images or audio), making it highly effective in multimodal tasks.
  • Applications: Used in multimodal search engines, recommendation systems, and applications that require the fusion of information from multiple modalities (like augmented reality, voice assistants, or multimedia content search).

LASER (Language-Agnostic SEntence Representations)

  • Description: Developed by Facebook AI, LASER generates dense sentence embeddings that are language-agnostic, meaning the model works across multiple languages.
  • How It Works: Trains on large multilingual datasets using bi-directional LSTM encoders to produce embeddings that are useful across different languages.
  • Key Feature: Enables cross-lingual transfer for tasks such as machine translation and multilingual text classification.
  • Applications: Multilingual sentence similarity, document alignment, and translation.

DALL·E Embeddings

  • Description: While DALL·E is primarily a generative model for creating images from textual descriptions, the embeddings learned in its model can be used for dense, cross-modal text-image relationships.
  • How It Works: Uses a transformer-based architecture to learn joint embeddings between images and text.
  • Key Feature: Dense embeddings that capture the semantics of text and images in a shared space.
  • Applications: Image generation, image captioning, and multimodal search.

ALIGN (Vision-Language Pre-training)

  • Description: ALIGN, like CLIP, is designed to align visual and textual information into a single embedding space using large-scale training.
  • How It Works: Pre-trains a vision model and a text model jointly using contrastive learning to associate image-text pairs.
  • Key Feature: Generalizes well to unseen tasks and datasets, making it a powerful model for multimodal applications.
  • Applications: Image classification, text-based image retrieval, and multimodal content understanding.

Advance models like Voyage and CLIP are vital for bridging the gap between different modalities, which is crucial in real-world applications where data comes from multiple sources—text, images, audio, and beyond. These models allow for a unified understanding of diverse types of information, enabling AI systems to perform tasks like semantic search, recommendation, and even interaction between different sensory inputs (e.g., voice-controlled devices understanding visual context).

How to generate embeddings of my documents?

To generate embeddings of your documents, you can use a variety of tools and libraries that support document embedding. These resources typically provide pre-trained models and APIs to convert text into embeddings for downstream tasks like document similarity, search, or classification.

1. Pre-trained Embedding Models and Libraries

1.1. Sentence-Transformers (SBERT)

  • What It Is: A Python library that provides easy-to-use interfaces for generating embeddings for sentences, paragraphs, and documents. It is built on top of BERT and other transformer models.
  • How to Use:
    from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
    model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2')  # Load a pre-trained model
    documents = ["Document 1 text here", "Document 2 text here"]
    embeddings = model.encode(documents)
  • Resources:

1.2. Hugging Face Transformers

  • What It Is: Hugging Face’s transformers library provides a wide range of pre-trained models for generating dense embeddings from text documents.
  • How to Use:
    from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
    import torch
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
    model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
    documents = ["Your document text here."]
    inputs = tokenizer(documents, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True)
    with torch.no_grad():
        embeddings = model(**inputs).last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1)  # Mean pooling for sentence embedding
  • Resources:

1.3. Universal Sentence Encoder (USE)

  • What It Is: Developed by Google, USE provides pre-trained models for generating embeddings that work across languages and for multiple tasks.
  • How to Use (via TensorFlow Hub):
    import tensorflow_hub as hub
    model = hub.load("https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder/4")
    documents = ["Document text here."]
    embeddings = model(documents)
  • Resources:

1.4. FastText

  • What It Is: FastText (by Facebook AI) can generate word and document embeddings and supports training on your own data for custom embeddings.
  • How to Use:
    pip install fasttext
    import fasttext
    # Train on your own documents
    model = fasttext.train_unsupervised('your_document_file.txt', model='skipgram')
    embeddings = model.get_sentence_vector("Your document text here")
  • Resources:

2. Cloud APIs for Generating Embeddings

2.1. OpenAI’s Embedding API

  • What It Is: OpenAI provides an API that can generate high-quality embeddings using models like GPT and others. These embeddings can be used for document search, clustering, and other tasks.
  • How to Use:
    import openai
    openai.api_key = "your-api-key"
    response = openai.Embedding.create(
        input="Your document text here",
    embeddings = response['data'][0]['embedding']
  • Resources:
  • What It Is: Azure Cognitive Search provides document indexing and embedding generation using pre-built AI models.
  • How to Use:
    • Index your documents using the Azure portal and apply built-in cognitive skills for embedding.
  • Resources:

2.3. Google Cloud’s Vertex AI and AI Hub

  • What It Is: Google Cloud’s Vertex AI platform provides pre-trained models, including the Universal Sentence Encoder, for generating document embeddings.
  • How to Use:
    • Access the USE model or other models via the AI Platform Notebooks or AI Hub.
  • Resources:

2.4. OpenAI’s Embedding API

import openai

openai.api_key = "your-api-key"
documents = ["Document 1 text here.", "Document 2 text here."]

response = openai.Embedding.create(

embeddings = [data['embedding'] for data in response['data']]

List of OpenAI Embedding Models

2.5. Voyage Embeddings

What It Is: Voyage is a more recent model designed for universal cross-modal dense embeddings, focusing on aligning data from various modalities like text, images, audio, and even video into a shared embedding space. All Voyage Models

List of Voyage Models:

  • voyage-3
  • voyage-3-lite
  • voyage-finance-2
  • voyage-multilingual-2
  • voyage-law-2
  • voyage-code-2
import voyageai

vo = voyageai.Client()
# This will automatically use the environment variable VOYAGE_API_KEY.
# Alternatively, you can use vo = voyageai.Client(api_key="<your secret key>")

texts = [
    "The Mediterranean diet emphasizes fish, olive oil, and vegetables, believed to reduce chronic diseases.",
    "Photosynthesis in plants converts light energy into glucose and produces essential oxygen.",
    "20th-century innovations, from radios to smartphones, centered on electronic advancements.",
    "Rivers provide water, irrigation, and habitat for aquatic species, vital for ecosystems.",
    "Apple’s conference call to discuss fourth fiscal quarter results and business updates is scheduled for Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. PT / 5:00 p.m. ET.",
    "Shakespeare's works, like 'Hamlet' and 'A Midsummer Night's Dream,' endure in literature."

# Embed the documents
result = vo.embed(texts, model="voyage-3", input_type="document")

3. Custom Training on Your Own Data

If your documents are highly domain-specific, you may want to train your own embedding model. Here are a few approaches:

3.1. Doc2Vec (Gensim)

  • What It Is: Doc2Vec is an extension of Word2Vec that generates document-level embeddings.
  • How to Use:
    import gensim.models as g
    from gensim.models.doc2vec import TaggedDocument
    documents = ["Document 1 text here.", "Document 2 text here."]
    tagged_data = [TaggedDocument(words=doc.split(), tags=[str(i)]) for i, doc in enumerate(documents)]
    model = g.Doc2Vec(tagged_data, vector_size=50, window=2, min_count=1, workers=4)
    embeddings = model.dv['0']  # Embedding for the first document
  • Resources:

3.2. Fine-Tuning BERT or Other Transformers

  • What It Is: You can fine-tune a pre-trained BERT model (or any transformer) on your own documents to generate domain-specific embeddings.
  • How to Use: Hugging Face’s transformers library can be used for fine-tuning.

4. Online Platforms for Document Embedding

4.1. Pinecone

  • What It Is: Pinecone is a vector database that provides APIs to generate, store, and search document embeddings efficiently.
  • How to Use:
    • Integrate your embeddings generated by models like SBERT or OpenAI’s API into Pinecone for document search and retrieval.
  • Resources:

4.2. Weaviate

  • What It Is: Weaviate is an open-source vector search engine that supports storing and querying dense embeddings.
  • How to Use:
    • Weaviate provides connectors for generating embeddings using pre-trained models and frameworks like Hugging Face.
  • Resources:


#DenseEmbeddings #MachineLearning #NLP #WordEmbeddings #VoyageModel #MultimodalAI #TextEmbeddings #DeepLearning #Transformers #ContextualEmbeddings #CrossModalAI #SemanticSearch
